2019-2018 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, History, visiting research fellow.
present Doctoral student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jewish History Department, under the supervision of Professor Israel Yuval and. Dr. Ephraim (Effie) Shoham-Steiner.
2014 M.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jewish History Department.
2007 B.A, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of History of the Jewish People.
Language skills: Native fluency in English and Hebrew (verbal and written), German B2, Latin advanced, Aramaic advanced.
Teaching and academic experience
David Yellin Academic Collage, Department of History, Jerusalem:
March-July 2018 "Religious Conversions in Historical Context", BA course.
October- February 2017/2018 "World War I and its Aftermath", BA course.
2018-2015 "Didactic Teaching of History", M Teach and BA course.
2018-2015 "Practical Practice in Teaching History" M Teach and BA course.
‘Zion’, the periodical of the Israeli Historical Society:
2016-2012 Supervisor and editor of the Book Review Department.
Kerem Institute for Jewish Humanistic Education, Jerusalem:
2016-2015 Organizer of and Mentor for new immigrated Israeli Teachers, in: The "Wings of Jonah" program named after Yona Bogale for the integration of Ethiopian teachers and teachers in schools in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.
2015-2014 "Practical Practice in Teaching History" BA course.
Tehilla – Evelina De Rothschild High School/ Pelech Experimental High School Jerusalem: 2017-2007 History teacher and educator.
Hebrew University, Jerusalem:
2007- 2005 Research Assistant for Professors Menachem Ben Sasson, Israel Yuval and Ora Limor, ‘Pozen’ Medieval Anthology Project, Germania Judaica 4, and 'Scholion' Research Center.
"Between a rebellious son and a teacher", Segula: The Jewish History Magazine, 96 (2018): 34-41 (Hebrew)
"Opposition to Traveling in Sefer Hasidim", Jewish History, submitted (Abstract accepted).
""Family Ties: Jewish Children and Their Converted Parents in Late Medieval Ashkenaz" In Childhood, Youth and Religious Minorities in Early Modern Europe, Tali Berner and Lucy Underwood (eds.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (forthcoming).
"Personal Relationships and their Influence on Conversion: A Case study from Regensburg, 1470". In Interwoven Regional Worlds: Jews and Christians in Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria (1349–1648), Eva Haverkamp ed., Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, Band 139 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2019 (forthcoming).
Selected Conference lectures
12.7.18 "Considering Conversion in Late Medieval Ashkenaz", Colloquium, Selma
Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg.
9.7.18 "Being A Convert in Late Medieval Germany", Collequium, Arbeitskreis für Jüdische
Geschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Trier University.
11.5.18 " Like a Journey to a distant Land: Considering Conversion in Early Modern
Germany", German Historical Institute London, 14th Workshop on Early
Modern German History.
9.5.18 "Seeking Answers on Both Ends: Advantages and Methods for using Halachic
and Archival Material", Transdisciplinary Conference for Early Career Researchers in
Jewish Studies: Rethinking Jewish and Non-Jewish Relations, Gratz University
5.2.18 "Religious Authority and Traveling in German Jewish Thought", Minerva Institute for German History, annual conference, Tel Aviv University
13.11.17 "Family vs. Religion in Late Medieval German Lands", Workshop in der Mittelalterlichen Jüdischen Geschichte: Crime and Punishment, Abteilung Für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
17.10.17 "Das Leben der Konvertiten im Spätmittelalter ", Leo Baeck Fellowship
Workshop in Brighton.
6. 8 .2017 "In the Name of the Father": Children of Converts in Late Medieval Ashkenaz, at: The World Congress for Judaic Studies, Jerusalem.
25.5.2017 "Family ties: Children and conversion in late medieval Ashkenaz", at: Agents of Conversion, International conference, "The Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters”, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheba Israel.
21.3. 2017 "Concepts of Localization in the Writings of Rabbi Yehuda heHasid", at: Sefer Hasidim in Context, international conference, National Library and Beit Belgia, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem
14.2.2017 "'Like a Journey to a Distant Land'- Considering Conversion in Late
Medieval Germany", at: 500 Years of Reformation: Jews and Protestants –
Judaism and Protestantism, Annual International Conference, Leo
Baeck Institute Jerusalem.
9.1.2017 "Being a Convert in Late Medieval German Lands", colloquium, The
Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center, Jerusalem.
28.10.2016 "Forgetting Conversion in Late Medieval Ashkenaz", at: Describing Dynamics of Jewish Ritual Practices in Pluralistic Contexts from Antiquity to the Present", international conference, Universität Erfurt, Germany.
14.9.2016 “Almost a Christian: Uncertainties and Decisive Factors on theThreshold of Baptism in Late Medieval Regensburg", at: Juden und Christen in Bayern, Böhmen und Österreich (1349–1648), Tagung des Historischen Seminars der LMU München und des Historischen Instituts bei der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Prag Thon-Dittmer-Palais, Regensburg, Germany.
Public lectures
23.10.18 "Jewish Life in Medieval Regensburg", Holocaust survivors' assembly, Munich.
14/10/17 " Women: The Secret to the Resilience of Jewish Communities in the Middle Ages", Annual Women Lunch of Birmingham Jewish Community, England.
5/6/17 " Family VS Religion in late medieval Germany", The Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Cultures in Be’er Sheva.
4/6/17 Interview on Goel Pinto's radio broadcast גם כן תרבות''".
Scholarships and Awards
2019/2018 Erasmus + Doctoral exchange program at LMU Munich for the forthcoming academic year.
2019/2018 Doctoral Scholarship, Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem.
2018/2017 Doctoral Fellowship for the Study of German-Jewish History and Culture, Leo Baeck Institute London and Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
2019-2015 Doctoral Scholarship, Center for the Study of Conversion
and Inter-Religious Encounters (I-CORE), BGU, Beer Sheva.
2017-2016 Fellowship Program, The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva
Research Center, Jerusalem.
2016 The Menachem Stern Prize for excellent achievement, Jewish History
Department, Hebrew University
2016 The Giyora Joel Yashinski foundation Prize for excellent doctoral students
2016 The Center for Austrian Studies, Personal Scholarship for the topic:
Jewish Communal and Individual Identity through the Lens of Jewish
Converts to Christianity in Late Medieval Austria.
2012, 2015, 2016 The Center for Austrian Studies, Travel scholarship to Klagenfurt,
Vienna and Innsbrück (respectively) for Advanced German language courses.
2015 The Gless Foundation and the Jewish History department,
Hebrew University Yearly scholarship for excellent doctoral students
2014, 2015 Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Scholarship for excellence.
2014 Tel Aviv University, Scholarship for summer Latin intensive course.
2011 Averbuch Foundation Scholarship for excellence.
2007 Stag Foundation, Institute for Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Excellence award.
2005, 2006 Menachem Stern Foundation, History Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Excellence awards
Academic and Social Engagement
2019/2018 Beiträgerinnen zur Ausstellung zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der
Juden in Regensburg, Regensburg Museum of History.
2018/2017 Deputy Chairman of the Conjoint Community Resilience committee, Urban Kibbutz "Beit Israel" Gilo, Jerusalem.
2015/2016 Organizer of the Doctoral Student Seminar: Jewish Identity in Question, Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with Tamir Karkason and Moshe Yagur).
2015/2016 Organizer of the advanced student Historical Book Club (led by Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten), Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2011-2017 Board Member and Lecturer at the Masorti Synagogue of Giloh, Jerusalem.
2007-2015 Board Member for the Middle East Project. Organized and ran conferences and Jewish-Arab swim teams, lectured and ran workshops at the EU and the Norwegian, Jordanian, Belgian and Israeli Embassies in Jerusalem, Aman and Oslo.
2005-2017 Board Member, Member of Education, Absorption and Social Involvement Committees and Project Officer at the Urban Kibbutz in Giloh, among the founders of the new mixed religious-secular ‘Ariel’ school in Giloh.
2013-2015 Founded and trained a Post-Natal Mothers’ Marathon Group for the Jerusalem Marathon (10 Kl).