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Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2013

Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2013

The topic for the Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2013 is Jews and Muslims: British Perspectives which takes a look at British viewpoints, be they political, legal or cultural, on Jews and Muslims living in the UK in the 20th and 21st centuries. Participant speakers:

Prof David Fraser (Thursday, 7 March 2013)

Prof Maleiha Malik (Thursday, 25 April 2013)

Dr Brian Klug (Thursday,16 May 2013) and

Prof Tony Kushner (Thursday 20 June 2013).

The European Leo Baeck Lecture Series is organised by the Leo Baeck Institute London, the Jewish Museum and the Fritz Bauer Institut, Frankfurt am Main, in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London.

For more information you can download the leaflet here. 

David Fraser
Thursday, March 7, 2013 - 18:30

From 1940 to 1945 the Channel Islands were the only part of Britain to fall under Nazi occupation. German anti-Jewish decrees became part of the Islands’ legal structures. Local police and government officials identified and registered the few remaining Jews.Jewish property was Aryanized and Jews were deported, all with the knowing involvement of government officials who remained officially loyal to the British Crown. This lecture examines both the legal and moral failures and the ambiguities which surrounded this little known part of British Jewish history. 

Maleiha Malik
Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 18:30

This lecture examines attitudes towards Jews and Muslims in the UK in the past as a basis for discussing racism in the present. It argues that a distinct European model of persecution racializes Jews and Muslims in similar ways. One way to break out of the pattern is to recognize the similarities between prejudice againstJews and Muslims and for both groups, as well as others, to join together in challenging contemporary racism. 

Maleiha Malik is Professor of Law at King's College, University of London. Herrelevant publications include Discrimination Law:…

Brian Klug
Thursday, May 16, 2013 - 18:30

Generally speaking, the British left has been on the side of the disadvantaged and the oppressed. Forthis reason, socialists,radicals and liberals have instinctively rallied to the cause of newcomers in an increasingly multicultural society. But circumstances have changed and the waters now are muddied. 

This lecture will explore the reasons why it is difficult forthe left today, given its origins and orientations, to deal with Muslim and Jewish difference when that difference is asserted by Jews and Muslims themselves. 

Tony Kushner
Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 18:30

This lecture will explore the relative position of Jews and Muslims in British society. Is Islamophobia, for example, the ‘new antisemitism’? Have Muslims replaced Jews as a marginal minority? And how do Jews and Muslims view one-another? By exploring politics, the media and the responses of ordinary people, the lecture will analyze a growing and important issue: how, in multi-cultural and multi-religiousBritain, do large ethno-religious minorities get on?

Tony Kushner is Professor of History and Director of the Parkes Institute for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish…

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