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Kasztner: Saving Jewish Lives and the dilemma of dealing with the Nazi

Yoram Leker and Prof Ladislaus Löb
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 19:00

Reszö Kasztner (1906-1957) was a Labour Zionist activist born in Cluj, Transsylvania. He believed that the best way to save Hungarian Jewry was to negotiate with German authorities and, in late June 1944, convinced Eichmann to release nearly 1700 Jews, many of whom were wealthy and prominent individuals and their families. After the war, Kasztner moved to Palestine and in 1954 brought a criminal libel case against Malkiel Grunwald who accused him of collaborating with the Nazis. 

Yoram Leker: He is a lawyer in Paris, specialising in intellectual property litigation. His family on his mother´s side were among those who took part in negotations with the Nazis and his mother found safety on the first Kasztner train. Leker´s talk will concern Kasztner´s trial, and especially its political orientation. He will also add more personal issues of how it feels to be a second generation survivor of the "Kasztner train". 

Ladislaus Löb was born in 1933 in Cluj, Transsylvania. In 1944 he spent five month in Bergen-Belsen as a member of the "Kasztner group", before being ransomed by Kasztner and taken to Switzerland. Currently he is writing a book on Kasztner´s negotations with the SS and Kasztner´s trial.

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