Chaired by Marion Kaplan, Raphael Gross, and Daniel Wildmann
Lecture Prof. Marion Kaplan - Lisbon is Sold Out! The Daily Lives of Jewish Refugees in Portugal during World War II
Session 1
Nicholas Baer – Dialectics of Jewish Renewal: The Promised Land in Early Zionist Cinema (response: Daniela Bartáková)
Adam Sacks – Rethinking the Jüdischer Kulturbund (response: Katarzyna Czerwonogóra)
Karin Nisenbaum – Tsimtsum in Rosenzweig and Schelling (response: Matthew Handelman)
Session 2
Katarzyna Czerwonogóra – From local to international: mobilization of Jewish women for recognition in Women’s International Zionist Organization (response: Achim Wörn)
Dustin Atlas – The Jewish German Roots of the In-Between: Martin Buber on Religion, Violence, and Otherness (response: Rahel Fronda)
Matthew Handelman – Towards a Messianic Theory of Knowledge: Mathematics, “Bewährung,” and Rosenzweig’s Reinvention of Philosophy (response: Nicholas Baer)
Monica Lee – Making Up Benjamin: Pseudopodia as Structural-Cultural Development in the Frankfurt School’s Amoeba (response: Adam Sacks)
Session 3
Achim Wörn – Post-war Anti-Semitism in Stettin (response: Dustin Atlas)
Rahel Fronda – Identifying groups of Hebrew manuscripts (response: Monica Lee)