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Research Associates

The Institute has a number of Research Associates who use its resources and contribute to its academic activities.

Prof Ulrich Charpa, Research Professor at LBI London, Professor of Philosophy and Member of the Research School at Ruhr University, Bochum.

Previously he taught Philosophy, History of Science and Jewish Thought side by side at various universities.  Today he is also affiliated to the Jacques Loeb Center for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben Gurion University, Israel, and to Musikhochschule Weimar. He has published several books and over 100 articles in academic… more

Ute Deichmann is Research professor at LBI and Adjunct Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy at Ben Gurion University. She is the director of the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at this university. Her work has focused on the biological and chemical sciences in the 19th and 20th centuries, where she has reviewed the history of experiments and theories on the one hand and examined political, social, and personal factors and their impact on… more

Birgit R. Erdle, Dr phil, germanist, taught at the University of Munich, the Academy of Arts in Munich, the University of Zurich and the Technical University Berlin. Various publications on German-Jewish cultural history, the legacy of National Socialism and the Shoah, and on the history of literary figures central to the construction of cultural memory since 1800. 

Publications i. a.: Antlitz, Mord, Gesetz. Figuren des Anderen bei Gertrud Kolmar und Emmanuel Levinas, Wien:… more

Tanja Hetzer, MA, historian, studied in Zurich and Bielefeld. She worked as a research assistant for the "Independent Experts’ Commission: Switzerland – Second World War" in Berne (1997–1999) and for the "Independent Historical Commission for the Investigation of the Activities of Bertelsmann Publishers During the Third Reich" in Munich (1999-2002). Currently she is a PhD Candidate at the University of Sussex and a Research Associate of the Leo Baeck Institute and the Wiener Library London.… more

Christian Strub, PD Dr phil, philosopher, teaches at the universities of Freiburg and Hildesheim. After various publications on metaphorology (Kalkulierte Absurditäten. Versuch einer historisch reflektierten sprachanalytischen Metaphorologie, Freiburg i. Br.: Alber 1991), early scholasticism and the concept of the philosophical system, he is now working on the project "Morality in German Philosophy between 1933 and 1945". His other main interests are practical and cultural philosophy. The… more

Anthony S. Travis is senior research fellow at the LBI and deputy director of the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has published extensively on the history of chemical technology in the 19th and 20th centuries. Currently he is undertaking research into the scientific work of the British chemist Raphael Meldola, a close friend of Heinrich Caro and other leading German-Jewish chemists, as… more

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