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Joela Jacobs

Animal, Vegetal, Marginal explores the oft-forgotten yet provocative German genre of die Groteske, or the literary grotesque. This short prose form challenges the norms of being human and being accepted as such by society in exaggerated and satirical ways. Between the Kaiser's and Hitler's Reichs, the genre's irreverent comedy and criticism sold out cabarets, drew droves of radio listeners, and created bestsellers.

Yet, because its authors were ruthlessly censored and persecuted, die Groteske is virtually unknown today and neglected by scholarship.

How did German Jews present their claims for equality to everyday Germans in the first half of the nineteenth century? We Will Never Yield offers the first English-language study of the role of the German press in the fight for Jewish agency and participation during the 1840s.
David Meola explores how the German press became a key venue for public debates over Jewish emancipation; religious, educational, and occupational reforms; and the role of Jews in German civil society, even against a background of escalating violence against the Jews in Germany.

In Making German Jewish Literature Anew, Katja Garloff traces the emergence of a new Jewish literature in Germany and Austria from 1990 to the present. The rise of new generations of authors who identify as both German and Jewish, and who often sustain additional affiliations with places such as France, Russia, or Israel, affords a unique opportunity to analyze the foundational moments of diasporic literature. Making German Jewish Literature Anew is structured around a series of founding gestures: performing authorship, remaking memory, and claiming places…

In Yiddish Writers in Weimar Berlin, Marc Caplan explores the reciprocal encounter between Eastern European Jews and German culture in the days following World War I. By concentrating primarily on a small group of avant-garde Yiddish writers—Dovid Bergelson, Der Nister, and Moyshe Kulbak—working in Berlin during the Weimar Republic, Caplan examines how these writers became central to modernist aesthetics. By concentrating on the character of Yiddish literature produced in Weimar Germany, Caplan offers a new method of seeing how artistic creation is constructed and a new…

Richard W. McCormick

Ernst Lubitsch (1982–1947) was one of the most successful and influential German filmmakers in American film comedy. In this volume, Rick McCormick argues for a more transnational view of Lubitsch's career and films with respect to nationality, ethnicity, migration, class, sexuality, and gender. McCormick focuses on Lubitsch's Jewishness, which is inseparable from the distinct transnational character of the director, categorizing his early films as "Jewish comedies" where Lubitsch strikes a tenuous balance between Jewish humor, antisemitic jokes, stereotypes, and the incorporation of…

Ronen Steinke

Steinke, Ronen: Fritz Bauer. The Jewish Prosecutor Who Brought Eichmann and Auschwitz to Trial, (2020) German Jewish judge and prosecutor Fritz Bauer (1903–1968) played a key role in the arrest of Adolf Eichmann and the initiation of the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials. Author Ronen Steinke tells this remarkable story while sensitively exploring the many contributions Bauer made to the postwar German justice system. As it sheds light on Bauer's Jewish identity and the role it played in these trials and his later career, Steinke's deft narrative contributes to the larger story of Jewishness in…

Jannis Panagiotidis

Since the refugee crisis of 2015, the topic of migration has moved to the center of global political debates. Despite the frequently invoked notion that current developments are without historical precedent, migration has been a constant feature of contemporary history, particularly in Europe. Jannis Panagiotidis considers a particular type of migration, co-ethnic migration, where migrants seek admission to a country based on their purported ethnicity or nationality being the same as the country of destination. Panagiotidis looks at immigration to Germany and Israel, focusing on individual…

Caroline A. Kita

During the mid-19th century, the works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Richard Wagner sparked an impulse toward German cultural renewal and social change that drew on religious myth, metaphysics, and spiritualism. The only problem was that their works were deeply antisemitic and entangled with claims that Jews were incapable of creating compassionate art. By looking at the works of Jewish composers and writers who contributed to a lively and robust biblical theatre in fin de siècle Vienna, Caroline A. Kita shows how they reimagined myths of the Old Testament to offer new aesthetic and ethical…

Ofri Ilany

Ilany, Ofri: In Search of the Hebrew People. Bible and Nation in the German Enlightenment, (2018) 

As German scholars, poets, and theologians searched for the origins of the ancient Israelites, Ofri Ilany believes they created a model for nationalism that drew legitimacy from the biblical idea of the Chosen People. In this broad exploration of eighteenth-century Hebraism, Ilany tells the story of the surprising role that this model played in discussions of ethnicity, literature, culture, and nationhood among the German-speaking intellectual elite. He reveals the novel portrait…

Cornelia Aust

In this rich transnational history, Cornelia Aust traces Jewish Ashkenazi families as they moved across Europe and established new commercial and entrepreneurial networks as they went. Aust balances economic history with elaborate discussions of Jewish marriage patterns, women's economic activity, and intimate family life. Following their travels from Amsterdam to Warsaw, Aust opens a multifaceted window into the lives, relationships, and changing conditions of economic activity of a new Jewish mercantile elite.

Scott Spector

Nowhere else have Jews contributed so massively and consequentially to the general culture than in Germany. From Mendelssohn to Marx, from Freud to Einstein, Jewish contributions to secular German thought have been both wide-ranging in scope and profound in their impact. But how are these intellectual innovations contributions to European Jewish culture? How are they to be defined as Jewish? Scott Spector argues for a return to the actual subjects of German-Jewish history as a way to understand them and their worlds. By engaging deeply with the individual as well as with…

Frakes, Jerold C.

While much early Yiddish literature belonged to pious genres, quasi-secular genres—epic, drama, and lyric—also developed. Jerold Frakes contends that the historical context of the emergence of Yiddish literature is an essential factor in any understanding of its cultural relevance in a time and place where Jewish life was defined by expulsions, massacres, and discriminatory legislation that profoundly altered European Judaism and shook the very foundations of traditional Jewish society.

Sabine Schmidtke

Sabine Schmidtke reconstructs the scientific biography of Martin Schreiner (1863-1926), a prominent student of Ignaz Goldziher and important representative of the ‘study of Judaism’, from his education in Budapest up until his productive phase in Berlin.

XVI, 830 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-162374-5 DOI: -

Interconnectivity and Entanglements
Edited by Susanne Marten-Finnis and Michael Nagel

Susanne Marten-Finnis Born 1957; Professor Emeritus of Applied Linguistics in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Portsmouth; visiting scholar at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies); honorary research fellow at the Centre of Migration, Diaspora and Exile at the University of Central Lancashire (MIDEX).

Philipp Lenhard

A cultural history of friendship in Germanic Judaism

Gerade für die junge Generation der um 1900 Geborenen repräsentierte die Ideologie, das Versprechen der Freundschaft so vieles, das ihrem alltäglichen Leben Sinn und Bedeutung gab. Die Frage, wie »richtig« zu leben sei, konnte die Tradition oft nicht mehr beantworten. Stattdessen verbürgte die Freundschaft ein Leben, das auf Loyalität und Treue, auf Wahrheit und Gleichberechtigung basierte. Man wurde in eine Freundschaft nicht hineingeboren, sondern wählte sie sich aus freien Stücken und demonstrierte damit zugleich…

Lisa Sophie Gebhard

Published in German.

Lisa Sophie Gebhard explores the multifaceted activities of the Zionist Davis Trietsch (1870–1935), who was once a remarkable figure on the Jewish nationalist scene but after his death disappeared almost entirely from historical memory. In this work, the author brings together coherent biographical information about him for the very first time. Trietsch, who initiated several forward-looking projects, emerges as a dynamic social actor whose thought was particularly influenced by innovations developed in the United States.

Raphael Gross, Daniel Wildmann (Hrsg.)

The influence of theatre director Kurt Hirschfeld on German theatre both in Swiss exile and after 1945 is second to none. This book explores both the fragmentary experiences of exile of this central figure in German-Jewish history, as well as his intellectual relationships to authors like Berthold Brecht and Max Frisch.

VII, 208 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-161162-9 DOI: -

Published in English.

The Wissenschaft des Judentums was born in the battle for equality, integration, and regeneration in nineteenth-century Germany and in its turn to history posed an intellectual revolution for modern Judaism. In this volume of collected essays, Ismar Schorsch provides a contextual study of the perilous origins and rapid developments of jüdische Wissenschaft outside the framework of the German university, which dominated the field of historical scholarship at the time.

Ismar Schorsch Born 1935; 1957 B.A., Ursinus College…

[Plants for Palestine. Otto Warburg and the Natural Sciences in the Yishuv.] Published in German.

2019. VII, 267 pages.

What story does the cultivation of Palestinian plants and other Botanical Zionism crops tell us about the historical and political relations between people, politics, and ideology? Dana von Suffrin investigates the impact made by a group of Otto Warburg-inspired Zionists who wanted to establish a Jewish state with the help of science.

As history was being recorded, the so-called botanical Zionism that grew up around the German-Jewish colonial botanist…

What significance did Orientalism have for German-Jewish literature? In the period of upheaval that was the early 1800s, Jewish authors, through literary means, took it upon themselves to infuse their contemporary European writing scene with a touch of oriental splendour.


79 Wittler, Kathrin: Morgenländischer Glanz. Eine deutsche jüdische Literaturgeschichte (1750–1850), (2019, 620 pp.)

Jehuda Reinharz (Publisher)

This volume collects together sources about the history of the Zionist movement in Germany between 1882 and 1933, which had previously been spread across the globe. This work aims to illustrate the development of German Zionism over time, as well as its inner conflicts, important ideological tendencies and different factions. It is accessible to both those with a special interest in the subject matter, as well as casual readers.


78 Nicosia, Francis R. (hrsg. u. eingel.): Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus 1933–1941, (2018, 657 pp.)

Assaf Shelleg

To what extent was modern Jewish art music influenced by its dissemination in British Mandate Palestine and how did its lively discourse with Hebrew culture take shape? In this book, Assaf Shelleg analyses the history of Israeli art music and brings the different aesthetics dilemmas between Modernism and Zionism to the forefront. 


77 Shelleg, Assaf: Musikalische Grenzgänge Europäisch-jüdische Kunstmusik und der Soundtrack der israelischen Geschichte, (2017, 344 pp.)

Stephan Steiner

In this historical-biographical study, Stephan Steiner illuminates the genesis, constellation and context of Leo Strauss’ political philosophy. The core of this study is the reconstruction of the transfer history, which brought a uniquely German critique of the modernity from Weimar to America in the 20th century.


Weimar in Amerika. Leo Strauss’ Politische Philosophie, (2013, 306 pp.)

Henry C. Soussan

The ‘Society for the Promotion of the Sciences of Judaism’(Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums) (1902-38) supported numerous groundbreaking projects and publications and to this day has a lasting influence on the study of Jewish culture around the globe. Henry C. Soussan puts the organisation in its historical context and works out which social and ideological impulses led to its creation.


75 Soussan, Henry C.: The Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums in Its Historical Context, (2013, 193pp.)

Johannes Sabel

In the 19th century, German Jewry went through a sweeping process of modernisation, during the course of which two central pillars of Jewish tradition were taken and redefined: the law and exegesis, Halacha and Aggadah. Both were rendered fertile soil for the scientific, literary and emancipatory goals of the modern age. Johannes Sabel sets out to trace these developments.


74 Sabel, Johannes: Die Geburt der Literatur aus der Aggada (2010, 296 pp.)

Daniel Wildmann

What links gymnasts with harmony, masculinity and being Jewish? And why do such questions indicate fracturing in Jewish integration into the German Empire? Daniel Wildmann seeks to answer these questions and offers a new perspective on the practices of Jewish self-understanding around 1900.


73 Wildmann, Daniel: Der veränderbare Körper (2009, 329 pp.)

Ulrich Charpa and Ute Deichmann (Editors)

This collection studies the relationship between the cultural, religious and social circumstances of German-speaking Jews and their academic work.


72 Charpa, Ulrich / Deichmann, Ute (eds.): Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, (2007, 312 pp.)

Hanna Delf von Wolzogen and Itta Shedletzky (Publishers)


Theodor Fontanes earliest, continuous collection of letters is his correspondence with the Ukrainian Jewish writer Wilhelm Wolfsohn. These manuscripts will be academically published for the first time, accompanied by a collection of essays which shed light on the biographical and cultural context behind the letters.


71 Wolzogen, Hanna Delf von / Shedletzky, Itta (eds.): Theodor Fontane und Wilhelm Wolfsohn – eine interkulturelle Beziehung, (2006, 548 pp.)

Hoffmann, Christhard (ed.)

Preserving the Legacy of German Jewry. A History of the Leo Baeck Institute, 1955-2005, (2005, 474 pp.)


Founded in May 1955 in Jerusalem by German-Jewish intellectuals who had survived the Holocaust - among them Martin Buber, Ernst Simon, Gershom Scholem, and Robert Weltsch - the Leo Baeck Institute of Jews from Germany (LBI) has been engaged in preserving the legacy of German Jewry by collecting material, doing research, and presenting historical narratives. Published on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, the present volume is the first to…

Marina Sassenberg

Selma Stern (1890-1981) the “grand old lady of German-Jewish historical scholarship” created an extensive corpus of literature about German-Jewish history in the modern era. Marina Sassenberg takes a look at the interaction between biography and historical understanding for of the first female German historians and the first woman in the scholarship of Judaism.

293 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-162841-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-162841-2

Michael Brenner, Vicki Caron, Uri R. Kaufmann

In this volume, leading historians, political scientists and literary scholars from all over the world make a systematic attempt at a comparative study of Jewish history in Germany and France in the modern era. The focus is the paradigmatic paths of Jewish emancipation in both countries, although current problems, like civil rights and the situation in modern day Europe, play a role as well.

VI, 245 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163597-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163597-7

Ulrich Wyrwa

What caused the failure of Jewish emancipation in Germany? Intrigued by this question, Ulrich Wyrwa examines the specific accomplishments and the unique obstacles of Jews in the era of emancipation, using Prussian and Tuscan cities as examples.

IX, 491 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163143-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163143-6

Selma Stern (Editor: Marina Sassenberg)

The German-Jewish historian Selma Stern (1890-1981) researched mythos and reality, the rise and fall of ‘Court Jew’ dynasties like Behrens, Ephraim, Gumperts, Itzig, Kann and Wertheimer. Marina Sassenberg presents the first German publication of this work.

X, 284 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163596-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163596-0

Andreas Gotzmann, R. Liedtke, T. van Rahden

This publication documents the diversity of the Jewish bourgoisie across the different social classes, but also the limitations placed on this minority in Germany. The authors combine new discoveries in the field of German-Jewish history with the field of research concerning societies and social classes.

IX, 444 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163594-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163594-6

Erika Bucholtz

Using the publisher Henri Hinrichsen as an example, Erika Bucholtz presents an important section of German-Jewish city, social and cultural history.. Her research is a cornerstone in the examination of the history of music labels and producers, a field within musicology, as well as social and cultural historiography, that has long been underappreciated.

VIII, 367 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163595-3 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163595-3

Eleonore Lappin

Eleonore Lappin investigates Martin Buber’s journal Der Jude (‘The Jew’) In doing so she provides a valuable service to the understanding of Zionism and the specific political, social and economic development of Jews in Europe and Palestine.

XVII, 456 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163589-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163589-2

Christian Wiese

What was the relationship between Jewish studies and Protestant theology in the German Empire? Christian Wiese investigates this question and shows possible forms of contemporary dialogue between Christian theology and Judaism.

XXV, 507 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163592-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163592-2

Brenner, Liedtke, Rechter (Hrsg.)

An international group of scholars and experts on Jewish, German, British and European history present the first comparative approach to an examination of Jewish history in Germany and Great Britain from the late 18th century to the 1930s. Their essays encompass a large spectrum and deal with social, political, cultural and economic aspects concerning the historical experience of Jews in both countries.

The contributions go beyond a mere parallel investigation of both countries’ history, as they give equal consideration to German and British Jewry and ask comparative questions.…

Barbara von der Lühe

The group biography focuses on the German-speaking founders of the Palestine Orchestra – nowadays called the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra – which was created by the violinist Bronislaw. Using contemporary witness accounts and newly released written documentation, Barbara von der Lühe unravels the paths that led 50 Jewish musicians, conductors and musicologists from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia to emigrate to Palestine between 1933 and 1939. They escaped from National Socialism thanks to the orchestra in Tel Aviv, which gave them the possibility to relocate to British Mandate…

Ernst A. Simon

VII, 295 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163588-5 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163588-5

W. Benz, Arnold Paucker, Peter Pulzer (Editors)

288 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163586-1 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163586-1

Werner E. Mosse (Hrsg.)

“This work … is undoubtedly a result of modern intellectual and social history. After numerous isolated studies we now have access to a complex, diverse work which grants surprising insights, offers interpretations and asks questions.”
- Peter Steinbach in Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands, vol. 27

“Especially praiseworthy is the quality of this work, containing multiple outstanding contributions. Seeing as the essays boast not only academic excellence but are also easy to read, this book is a great introduction to the multifaceted problems of German…

Monika Richarz, Reinhard Rürup (Editors)

XI, 444 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163585-4 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163585-4

Martin Liepach

XIV, 333 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163583-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163583-0

Matthias Morgenstern

XVI, 388 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163582-3 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163582-3

Esriel Hildesheimer

XVI, 258 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-162956-3 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-162956-3

Heid, Paucker (Hrsg.)

IX, 245 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163581-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163581-6

Julius Carlebach, Gerhard Hirschfeld, et al.

XII, 654 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163580-9 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163580-9

Fred Grubel, Frank Mecklenburg, Michael A. Rief, N. Sznaider

XIII, 409 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163141-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163141-2

Avraham Barkai

XIV, 177 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163613-4 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163613-4

Ingrid Belke

VI, 370 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163611-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163611-0

Ingrid Belke (Editor)

VI, 370 (-815) pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163611-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163611-0

Arnold Paucker (Hrsg.)

XXIV, 426 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163612-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163612-7

Jacob Toury

XIV, 294 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163609-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163609-7

Arthur Prinz

XII, 202 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163610-3 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163610-3

Jacob Toury

VIII, 171 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163608-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163608-0

Werner E. Mosse, Arnold Paucker, Reinhard Rürup

XII, 431 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163606-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163606-6

Eugen Taeubler (Editor: Selma Stern-Taeubler)

XXIV, 63 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163625-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163625-7

Hans Liebeschütz, Arnold Paucker (Editors)

XIII, 445 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-162955-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-162955-6

Selma Stern (edited by Max Kreutzberger)

VIII, 156 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163138-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163138-2

Felix Gilbert (Editor)

LII, 329 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163708-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163708-7

Monika Richarz

XI, 257 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163136-8 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163136-8

Hans I. Bach

XV, 251 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163137-5 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163137-5

Werner Feilchenfeld, Wolf Michaelis, Ludwig Pinner

V, 113 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163622-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163622-6

Werner E. Mosse, Arnold Paucker (Editors)

IX, 704 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163135-1 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163135-1

Ingrid Belke

CXLII, 421 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163627-1 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163627-1

Selma Stern

XXV, 1615 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163621-9 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163621-9

Hans Liebeschütz

Von Georg Simmel zu Franz Rosenzweig

Ruth Kestenberg-Gladstein

XV, 418 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163620-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163620-2

Horst Fischer

VIII, 232 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163619-6 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163619-6

Kurt Wilhelm (Editor)

XXVII, 796 (2 Bde.) pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163618-9 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163618-9

Arnold Paucker (Editor)

XX, 615 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163616-5 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163616-5

Fritz Homeyer

X, 155 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163626-4 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163626-4

Jacob Toury

XI, 387 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-158916-4 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-158916-4

Leopold Zunz

XII, 498 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163570-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163570-0

Hans Kohn

72 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163568-7 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163568-7

Margarete Turnowsky-Pinner

136 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163567-0 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163567-0

Erich von Kahler

84 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163569-4 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163569-4

Selma Stern

XXXVI, 1689 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163615-8 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163615-8

Scholem Adler-Rudel

XII, 169 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163604-2 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163604-2

Dr Ernst Simon


Vorwort IX

1. Kapitel Die Ursprünge

a) Die jüdische traditionelle Erwachsenenbildung . 1

b) Die deutsche Volkshochschulbewegung . . . 4

c) Das "Freie Jüdische Lehrhaus" in Frankfurt a. M.
und die „Schule der Jüdischen Jugend" in Berlin . 9

d)HechalutzundJugendalijah. . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.Kapitel Der Einfluß des Nationalsozialismus auf die geistige LagederdeutschenJuden. . . . . . . . . . . 21

3. Kapitel Die Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung

a) Die…

Guido Kisch, Kurt Roepke

49 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-163566-3 DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-163566-3


Cathy S Gelbin and David Rechter

The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, Volume 68, Issue 1, October 2023, Page ix,


I. IN MEMORIAM: PETER PULZER In Memoriam: Professor Peter Pulzer: 29 May 1929 – 26 January 2023

David Rechter

The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, Volume 68, Issue 1, October 2023,…

Preface by Cathy S Gelbin and others


I. The enlightenment age and the Jews


Nothing Out of the Ordinary: The Life of Salomon Marcus by Kamila Lenartowicz Johann Gottfried Herder, Enlightenment Anthropology, and the Jew as a ‘Parasitic Plant’ by Carl Niekerk


II. Jews in Fin-De-Siècle Austria


Of Bug Crushers…
Preface by Cathy S Gelbin and others


I. German-Jewish agency in times of crisis


Introduction: German-Jewish Agency in Times of Crisis, 1914–1938 by David Jünger and Anna Ullrich Open the Gate: German Jews, the Foundation of Tel Aviv Port, and the Imagined Power of the Sea in 1936 by Björn Siegel Beyond Marginalization: The (German-)Jewish Soldiers’…

Preface By Cathy S. Gelbin, David Rechter, And Daniel Wildmann

I. Medieval Legacies 

Renate Evers: The 1484 Nuremberg Jewry Oath (More Judaico) Amir Engel: German-jewish Esotericism: The Case Of Meir Wiener’s Expressionist Kabbalah

II. German Jewish Encounters 

Amy Hill Shevitz And Susanne Hillman: Franz…

Preface by Cathy S Gelbin and others


I. Exile photography


Exile Photography: An Introduction by Ofer Ashkenazi and Daniel Wildmann Family Frames as Exile Photography by Talila Kosh-Zohar Image Transfer and Visual Friction: Staging Palestine in the National Socialist Spectacle by Rebekka Grossmann Cute Jews: Modernist Photographic Forms and Minor…


Preface by Cathy S. Gelbin, David Rechter, and Daniel Wildmann


I. Reinhard Rürup – Obituary

Claudia Buchwald: Reinhard Rürup – Ambassador Between Worlds (27 May 1934 – 6 April 2018) 


II. Beyond the Negative Symbiosis: German-Israeli Relationships in Film

Preface by Cathy S Gelbin and others


I. Arnold Paucker - Obituary and article


Arnold Paucker: 6 January 1921–13 October 2016 by Peter Pulzer Speaking English with an AccentGet access by Arnold Paucker


II. Jewish conditions, shifting conceptions of nation and belonging


Introduction by Scott Spector Can…
Preface by Cathy S. Gelbin and others


I. German Jews in the Middle East


German Jews in the Middle East: New Perspectives by Menashe Anzi and Anja Siegemund “Greater Palestine” as a German-Zionist Idea before the British Mandate Period by Olivier Baisez The Middle East as a Temporary Haven: Jewish Medical Refugees in Turkey during the Second World War…
I. Austrian, Jewish, German, Czech: Reframing Max Brod and Prague Zionism


Introduction Max Brod in 2014 by Mark H. Gelber Max Brod and Hans-Joachim Schoeps: Literary Collaborators, Ideological Rivals by Abraham Rubin On Not Writing Hebrew: Max Brod and the ‘Jewish Poet of the German Tongue’ between Prague and Tel Aviv by Sebastian Schirrmeister


Preface By Cathy S. Gelbin And Raphael Gross  

I. Jews And Citizenship   

Introduction By Andreas Braemer And Gideon Reuveni   Gideon Reuveni: Emancipation Through Consumption: Moses Mendelssohn And The Idea Of Marketplace Citizenship   Michal Szulc: A Gracious Act Or Merely A Regulation Of Economic Activity? A Daily Life Perspective On…

Preface by Cathy S. Gelbin and Raphael Gross

I. Jews And The Law In Moderneurope: Emancipation, Destruction, Reconstruction

Introduction By Warren Rosenblum

Douglas G. Morris: The Dual State Reframed: Ernst Fraenkel’s Political Clients And His Theory Of The Nazi Legal System

Lisa Moses Leff: The Jewish Oath And The Making Of Secularism In Modern…

I. The German - Jewish Literary Canon   

Mark H. Gelber: Autobiography And History: Stefan Zweig, Theodor Herzl And Die   Welt Von Gestern   Caroline Jessen: ‘‘Vergangenheiten Haben Ihr Eigenes Beharrungsvermögen . . .’’   Josef Kastein And The troublesome Persistence Of A Canon Of German Literature In   Palestine/Israel   Sander L.…

I. John Grenville – Obituary And Interview       

Peter Pulzer: John Grenville 1928-2011   Bea Lewkowicz: An Interview By Dr Bea Lewkowicz With Professor John Grenville  


II. Jewish Life In The Early Modern Period       

Dean Phillip Bell: Navigating The Flood Waters:…

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross  

I. Jewish And Islamic Studies   

Ismar Schorsch: Converging Cognates: The Intersection Of Jewish And Islamic Studies In Nineteenth Century Germany  

II. Overlapping Spheres   

Robert Liberles: Jews And Christians In Early Modern Germany   Yaacov Deutsch…

Preface by John A. S. Grenville and Raphael Gross

I. Discussion

The Future of German-Jewish Studies

II. Jewish Identity, Philosophy and Religious thinking

Nimrod Zinger: «Our hearts and spirits were broken»: The medical world from the perspective of German Jewish patients in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries


Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross

 I. The Perception Of Jews In German Society  

Aya Elyada: Yiddish – Language Of Conversion? Linguistic Adaptation And Its Limits In Early Modern Judenmission   Christian Stuart Davis: Colonialism And Antisemitism During The Kaiserreich: Bernhard Dernburg And The Antisemites   Michah Gottlieb:…

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross


I. Jewish Identity


Amy Blau: Claims Of Language: Translation As A Mediation Of Jewish
Identity And The Yiddish Reception Of Nelly Sachs


Manfred Jehle: “Relocations” In South Prussia And New East Prussia:
Prussia’s Demographic Policy Towards The Jews In Occupied…

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross


I. Sustenance For The Soul


Michael A. Meyer: German Jewish Thinkers Reflect On The Future Of The
Jewish Religion


Uta Lohmann: “Sustenance For The Learned Soul”: The History Of The
Oriental Printing Press At The Publishing House Of The Jewish Free School
In Berlin…

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross


I. Intellectual Resistance In Theresienstadt


Miriam Intrator: The Theresienstadt Ghetto Central Library, Books And Reading: Intellectual Resistance And Escape During The Holocaust


II. Literary Interpretation And Intellectual History


Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross  


I. The End Of The War And The Holocaust   

Andreas Kossert: “Endlösung On The ‘Amber Shore’”: The Massacre In January 1945 On The Baltic Seashore – A Repressed Chapter Of East Prussian History  


II. Jewish Intellectuals   

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross  

I. Religious Renewal  

Edward Breuer And David Sorkin: Moses Mendelssohn’s First Hebrew Publication: An Annotated Translation Of The Kohelet Mussar   This Is The First Translation Into English Of Moses Mendelssohn’s First Hebrew Work, The Kohelet Mussar Or Preacher Of Morals, Published Sometime In The…

Preface By John Grenville And Raphael Gross  

I. Jewish Intellectual Responses To Tradition And Modernity  

Astrid Deuber-mankowsky: Walter Benjamin’s Theological-political Fragment As A Response To Ernst Bloch’s Spirit Of Utopia   Taking Jacob Taubes’ Polemical Essay “Walter Benjamin – A Modern Marcionite?” As A Starting Point, This Article Aims…

Preface By John Grenville And Arnold Paucker  

I. Jews In The Age Of Metternich  

Edward Timms: The Pernicious Rift: Metternich And The Debate About Jewish Emanicipation At The Congress Of Viennna   Niall Ferguson: Metternich And The Rothschilds: “A Dance With Torches On Powderkegs”?   Robert J. W. Evans: Progress And Emancipation In Hungary…

Preface By John Grenville And Julius Carle  

I. Jewish Philosophy And Politics In The Enlightenment  

Rivka Horwitz: Kabbalah In The Writings Of Mendelssohn And The Berlin Circle Of Maskilim   Christoph Schulte: Saul Ascher’s Leviathan, Or The Invention Of Jewish Orthodoxy In 1792  

II. Jewish Acculturation And Scholarship…

Preface By John Grenville And Julius Carlebach  

I. German-jewish Intellectual Development From The Late Eighteenth To The Nineteenth Century  

Moshe Carmilly-weinberger: The Similarities And Relationship Between The Jüdisch-theologisches Seminar (Breslau) And The Rabbinical Seminary Of Budapest   Edward Breuer: The Deutsche Encyclopädie And The…

Religion and Jewish teaching


Zunz's Concept of Haggadah as an Expression of Jewish Spirituality by Maren R. Niehoff Hermann Cohen's Teaching Concerning Modern Jewish Identity (1904–1918) by Avi Bernstein-Nahar From “the Priestess of the Home” to “the Rabbi's Brilliant Daughter”. Concepts of Jewish Womanhood and Progressive Germanness in Die Deborahand the…
Individual and community in the age of emancipation


Marcus Mosse: A Jew in the Prussian Province of Posen by Elisabeth Kraus Between Orthodoxy and Reform, Revolution and Reaction: The Jewish Community in Ichenhausen, 1813–1861 by Lisa Harries-Schumann “Making Jargon Respectable” Leo Winz, Ost und West and the Reception of Yiddish Theatre in Pre-Hitler Germany by…
Intellectual history and religious thought


Mordechai Shnaber-Levison: The Life, Works and Thought of a Haskalah Outsider by Heinz Moshe Graupe Jakob Weil's Contribution to a Modern Concept of Haggadah by Maren R. Niehoff “How Awesome is this Place!” The Reconceptualisation of the Synagogue in Nineteenth-Century Germany by Michael A. Meyer The So-Called Quiet Years…
German and Austrian Jews in the fight against National-Socialist Germany


Resistance of German and Austrian Jews to the Nazi Regime 1933–1945 by Arnold Paucker German-and Austrian-Jewish Volunteers in Britain's Armed Forces 1939–1945 by John P. Fox The Jewish Exiles in the Service of US Intelligence: The Post-War Years by Guy Stern


Identity and emancipation


German-Jewish Identity in the Correspondence Between Rahel Levin Varnhagen and Her Brother, Ludwig Robert Hopes and Realities of Emancipation 1780–1830 by Heidi Thomann Tewarson Rhenish Liberalism and the Jewish Question in the Vormärz: The Case of the Kölnische Zeitung 1841–1847 by Anita Bunyan A Nineteenth-Century Yiddish Newspaper “…
German Jews in the era of emancipation


War and Patriotism in Sermons to Central European Jews: 1756–1815 by Marc Saperstein The Jews of Sachsen-Meiningen and the Edict of 1811 by Franz Levi Missionary Politics. Protestant Missions to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Prussia by Christopher Clark Philanthropy, the “Social Question” and Jewish Identity in Imperial…
Jewish culture and religion


Jews, the Enlightenment and Religious Toleration – Some Reflections by David Sorkin Jewish Burials in Germany – Between Tradition, the Enlightenment and the Authorities by Falk Wiesemann History as Consolation by Ismar Schorsch Orthodoxy versus Reform: The Case of Rabbi Nehemiah Anton Nobel of Frankfurt a. Main by Rachel Heuberger

Burgeoning emancipation


Two Silent Minorities: Orthodox Jews and Poor Jews in Berlin 1770–1823 by Steven M. Lowenstein The World of Moses Mendelssohn by Eva Engel Holland


Jewish self-defence


Anti-Anti 1889/1892 by Jacob Toury The Rise of Jewish Defence Agitation in Germany, 1890–1895: A Pre-history of the C.V.? by Jacob…


Recent Historiography on the Jewish Religion by Michael A. Meyer Emancipation and Assimilation: Two Concepts and their Application to German-Jewish History by David Sorkin Jewish History and Jewish Historiography: A Challenge to Contemporary German Historiography by Moshe Zimmermann


Emancipation, acculturation, modernity…
Patterns of assimilation and acculturation


Jewish Conversions – A Measure of Assimilation? A Discussion of the Berlin Secession Statistics of 1770–1941 by Peter Honigmann The Myth of Sephardic Supremacy by Ismar Schorsch Public Opinion and the Proposed Emancipation of the Jews in Bavaria in 1849–1850 by James F. Harris Jewish Participation in the Deutscher…
The course of emancipation


Breakthrough into the Past: The Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden by Ismar Schorsch Dohm's Treatise on the Jews: A Defence of the Enlightenment by Robert Liberles Problems and Limits of Assimilation: Hermann and Paul Wallich 1833–1938 by Werner E. Mosse The Foundations of German-Jewish Orthodoxy: An Interpretation by Julius…

Preview this Year Book



Introduction By Robert Weltsch

I. In Memoriam Leo Baeck

S. Moses: The Impact Of Leo Baeck's Personality On His Contemporaries

H. Liebeschutz: Judaism And The History Of Religion In Leo Baeck's Work

Eva Reichmann: Symbol Of German Jewry

From the past to the present


Jewish History As We See It by Selmar Spier Principles of German Policy towards the Jews at the Beginning of the Modern Era by Selma Stern-Taeubler The Terms of Emancipation 1781–1812: The public debate in Germany and its effect on the mentality and ideas of German Jewry by H. D. Schmidt In Memory of Two of Our Dead by Leo Baeck The…

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